Builders and Developer Information

Multinet Gas is one of three licensed Gas Distributors in Victoria. We are part of the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group. Our network owns the distribution network assets used to transport gas from the high pressure transmission network to more than 700,000 residential, commercial and industrial gas users.


Builder Information

In preparation for connecting your building site to natural gas, please review our site readiness requirements below, or you can download our site readiness check. It provides the key information to ensure a new gas connection can be completed at your building site.

>> View site readiness checklist

>> View Builders Information Pack

Are you ready?

Preparing your site for a new natural gas connection




Our Builder Information Pack provides more detail on the connection process and requirements such as:

  • Gas Connection Process Overview
  • Service Connection Request
  • Gas Line Locations
  • Site Readiness
  • Meter Fix Request
  • Gas Meter Installations
  • Meter Protection

Developer Subdivision Information

All new subdivision applicants should be lodged via the Victorian Government’s Surveying and Planning through Electronic Applications and Referrals (SPEAR).

SPEAR allows subdivision planning permit and certification applications to be compiled, lodged, managed, referred, approved and tracked online.

SPEAR is available at no cost and can be used by all parties involved in the planning and subdivision processes, but in differing capacities:

  • Applicants use SPEAR to lodge and manage their application and track its progress.
  • Responsible Authorities (councils) use SPEAR to receive, manage, refer and approve applications.
  • Referral Authorities (e.g. Multinet Gas) use SPEAR to receive and respond to referrals.
  • Members of the public can use SPEAR to find out basic information about an application and lodge and view objections.

Please click here to go to the SPEAR website where you can get started with a new application or obtain further information regarding the subdivision process.